Homeopathy is energy medicine, a traditional system of medicine that addresses the totality of our beings.
Homeopathy works with the body's innate intelligence to heal itself.
Homeopathy was founded by German physician Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
It has been used for over 200 years to assist with enhancing health and wellbeing; restoring organ health and relieving symptoms associated with certain health conditions.
Homeopathy is a medical system that embraces the holistic, natural approach. It aims to treat the person by stimulating his or her body's healing ability. Our vast array of remedies are derived from nature; plants, minerals and animals.
Homeopathy is holistic and an individualised healthcare. We look at the physical aspects of a person, as well as the mental, emotional and spiritual.
Today more than ever, we are understanding the importance of the mind/body connection, for example stress and anxiety brings on loose bowels or nausea. So it makes sense when healing; to address the loose bowels/nauseas
AS WELL AS the stress and anxiety.
Our bodies are innately wise and intelligent. When symptoms appear, it is our bodys' way of communicating and sending us messages for attention.
OUR AIM: to address the root cause of ill health and rectify the imbalance.
What is Homeopathy good for?
Pregnancy & Motherhood
Homeopathy is a traditional form of medicine. It is low risk and perfect for pregnant mummas. Homeopathic healthcare helps in supporting maternal health and maternal postnatal health. These medicines can assist with relieving mild symptoms of morning sickness, milk supply issues, mild mastitis, mood swings and so much more.
Womens' Health
Homeopathy supports women’s health in general and can help with relieving symptoms associated with menstrual cycle irregularities, menstrual pains, premenstrual tension, peri-menopause/menopause.
Homeopathic medicines can assist with maintaining healthy reproductive hormones and allow your body to flow with it's natural cycles. This system of medicine always aims to bring the body back to homeostasis and equilibrium.
Babies & Childrens' health
Homeopathiy can support babies and children through their various stages of life and can assist with relieving symptoms associated with colic, constipation, indigestion, vomiting, coughs, food allergies, behavioural issues, eczema, fevers, ear inflammation, vomiting, diarrhoea, teething, etc. Supporting our little ones with homeopathy for an overall strengthen immune system and vitality.
We live in a world full of toxins, it is unavoidable and also inherited. Heavy metals, parasites, vaccines, pharmaceutical medication, over the counter drugs, birth control, glyphosates, pesticides and more... these can all be detoxed using homeopathy.
"You are not sick you are TOX-SICK"
Homeophylaxis (HP)
Natural prevention against childhood disease. Immunisation support.
Can start as early as 1 month of age. Protocols available.
Overseas Travel protection
Natural protection for overseas travel.
Best to start approx. 3 months prior to departure.
Acute Prescribing
Coughs, colds, conjunctivitis, ear inflammation, fevers, styes, UTI's, croup, stomach aches, gastro, worms, sore throat, nits, falls, viruses and more...
(Acutes = any condition less than 3 months)
*If symptoms persist talk to your health professional
Mental & emotional health
Anxiety, depression, grief, low moods etc.
Homeopathy works to bring your mental and emotional states back to balance.
*Seek medical advice if diarrhoea persists for more than: 6 hours in infants under 6 months, 12 hours in children under 3 years, 24 hours in children aged 3 to 6 years or 48 hours in children over 6 years. For serious/ moderate to severe symptoms in babies and children and/or if symptoms persist, seek medical advice.
*Advise your doctor of any medicine you take during pregnancy, particularly in your first trimester. If you are concerned about the health of yourself or your baby, talk to your health practitioner.