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"Minerals are essential for growth, healing, vitality and wellbeing.  They are the basic ‘spark plugs’ of life." Interclinical Labs


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So think of the periodic table back in high school - calcium, boron, magnesium, sodium and so on.  Minerals and heavy metal toxicity play a HUGE role in not only our physical health, but also our mental and emotional wellbeing. 


HTMA is fast becoming the underlying root cause of chronic disease.


For example, allergies are frequently found in individuals with low calcium - whereas lead toxicity is linked to hyperactvity, learning disabilities and behavioural disorders.


An analogy I like to use:

Think of a young tomato plant seedling. 

The soil is depleted and poor in quality.  It gets watered ever so often, but how do you think the plant is going to grow? 

Will it bear fruit and how nutritious will each tomato be?


On the contrary, a young tomato seedling, grown in nutrient-dense soil rich in minerals.  This plant will thrive and bear an abundance of fruit.


So the minerals in our body are like building blocks, they create a foundation at a cellular level - which our physical, mental and emotional health are built upon.

Some conditions affected by Mineral imbalances

Low Immunity



Reproductive Issues 

Mood Swings




Mild Anxiety

Hair loss

Hormone imbalance

Memory problems

Muscle cramps

Digestive issues


Mental overactivity 


Learning difficulties

Skin problems

and more...

Rock Balancing
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a non-intrusive screening tool for measuring your body's mineral status.
This data can highlight potential health problems which we can then rebalance through homeopathy, and an individualised program designed to meet your health needs. 
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