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About Jessica

Integrative Wellness


Jessica Goh is a Homeopath, Dimensional Therapist and loving mum;

whose soul mission is to guide you along your healing journey and reconnect you to your truth.


Jessica believes in a holistic approach to healthcare, which means looking at the whole person; physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and energetically.


Through her own life’s experiences Jessica was led to dive deep into homeopathy, energy work, bio-compatible eating and detoxing to create a strengthened immune system and overall, stronger resilience to mental, emotional and spiritual health.


Jessica’s passion lies in children’s health, Homeoprophylaxis, (which is disease prevention for children), vaccine damage, detoxing and acute prescribing.


She is an advocate for empowering mothers to use homoeopathy in the family home, and runs regular workshops (both online and in-person), to assist in achieving optimal health within young children and families. 


Jessica brings her experience of meditation, yoga, coaching and intuitive abilities into all of her client sessions.


She loves to spend time with her loved ones, going hiking/camping, spending time in nature, watching sunsets and enjoying all of life's treasures.

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