"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration". -Nikola Tesla

A powerful healing modality designed to bring your whole being into balance. Dimensional therapy involves delving deep into the subtle energetic framework of the body, then utilizing the Energetic System to access, evaluate, and align the frequencies of this framework.
By reinforcing and balancing the human energy field it helps to stabilize the physical body in space and time, allowing for the expansion of universal consciousness which results in profound healing.
Traumatic events in this lifetime, or along our dimensional journey (this includes; childhood, generational, ancestral, future, parallel) can lead to having anxiety, phobias, relationship blocks, addictions, unconscious limiting beliefs, self-worth issues, self-sabotaging patterns, abundance bloacks and so much more.
Through dimensional therapy we can access parts of ourselves and pinpoint what needs to be re-stabilised in order for us to live our truest and highest potential.